The benchmark that all movies need to strive for
Very few artists on Newgrounds could make quality movies that also captivates the viewers who watch them. B, from Strawberry Clock, is one of those few flashes who brings that together. This movie, while not in any sense, an actual movie, is more of a well thought out and planned masterpiece that places an unlikely letter, that being the red B, in the middle of the screen, yet slightly off center. It being not exactly in the middle shows that not even the best movie is perfect, and the fact that it is a B instead of an A interperets the idea that even the most quality flashes, while still not perfect, but struggles to find an audience, still may be outclassed by "better" flashes who spent less time and effort than this metaphorical image. While some reviews may classify this flash as one of the most overrated and pointless flashes on Newgrounds, they fail to realise that not everything should be looked at by first glance, but watched again and again to catch hidden meaning and truths hidden in the artwork. Much like Leonardo DaVinci's Mona Lisa, objectives and meanings do not appear the same to two different people. One person may view it as one way as if it is not noteworthy, while others may thinklong and hard just to try to find the metaphor this artwork has in it. Everything in this flash, while not perfect, tells a story about how movies and all other artforms shall be viewed. Thus, I congradulate Strawberry Clock on being the genious who put this piece together and gave it life.